Cat of the Day

April 14, 1999

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Namira, the Cat of the Day
Name: Namira
Age: One year old
Gender: Female
Breed: Egyptian Mau
Home: Petersburg, New Jersey, USA
   This is Namira Malika of Pharo's Best, she is an Egyptian Mau. There only about 2,500 of these unique cats in USA. My cat is special because she is a champion show cat but best of all she our pet. She loves to sleep with her owners and she so sweet. Namira is one of five cats that we own. She brings joy to all in the house. She loves going to the show and all the attention.

    Egyptian Maus are very active cats much like the Siamese which we also breed. There are four different colors of Maus: silver, bronze, smoke and black. We fell in love with the breed when we went to our first cat show and saw them for the first time. We then searched out a breeder (which wasn't easy) and purchased one. Maus usually have a strong bond to one special person of the family but likes everyone. Maus meow like most cats but they also make a chirping sound when they see birds and other wild animals. I would recommend a Mau for a pet - they are sweet and loyal pets, they also unique.

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